Monday, June 20, 2011

Starting Over

How does one do so at the age of 24? I have not had a particularly bad life. Here is my life in a nutshell. I was born...of course. My parents did not divorce, they stayed together. My parents could always afford to buy me the things I wanted. I was given a cell phone at the age of 15, a car at the age of 16, and a college education at the age of 18. I met my husband in college, we married last November. I had my bad days, as does everyone, but I always had a roof over my head, food on the table, a shoulder to cry on when I needed one, and clothes on my back.

Here is me on November 27, 2010
I was about 175 pounds in this picture. To some people that may not be a lot. To me this is the heaviest I "want" to be.

A little background to why I was this heavy at this point in my life. My now husband and I had been away from each other for the better part of 7 months. I was working a job where I wasn't sure if I was going to have time to sit down and eat lunch, so I never brought a healthy lunch to eat, I generally picked something up from the closest fast food joint or got an unhealthy lunch with coworkers.

I found myself envious of the people in my life who were thin and pretty. So in December when I arrived in El Paso with my husband, I began the couch to 5k program. I successfully finished it and ran a 5k in February this year. In March I began going to the gym on base, taking classes, going on the elliptical, and other machines. I was losing weight, but not in the healthy way. I was burning 1000 calories a day and only eating 1500, so my body was only taking in 500 calories. Not good. I lost weight, fast. I'm now at about 160 lbs.

I started working at Best Buy. So when I work, I'm on my feet all day. I also started P90X. Basically I'm going to dedicate this blog and every blog from here on out to losing weight. I don't believe in giving up the things you love, for the sacrifice of fulfilling societies demands for every woman to be thin and beautiful. I believe that you should do what makes you happy. If eating a cheeseburger makes you happy then do it, but skip the fries, or hell get the fries! I say, all things in moderation.

I'm also reaching out for help. My husband has been gone for the last month and I have found myself a little depressed and going back into the fast food eating thing again. My promise to you is that if I slip up, or make a mistake I will not lie to you, if you promise me that you will help keep me motivated. Also, I need some help with recipes for one, my husband will be deploying in the fall and I don't want to be eating fast food 4 times a week.

Current motivator:
I am going to 3 weddings in the next year, and since I did not rock it at my wedding, I want to have a rocking hot body for at least one of the weddings. (One of them is at the end of July, so probably not that one, but for the other two most definitely!)


  1. Bethy, I think you're beautiful! I'm happy for you and your new goals! I have to be honest, I haven't dedicated very much time to working out, which makes me nervous, since the wedding is next month, so your blog helps me, too!

  2. Thanks Nichole! If you ever need anything I am here for you!

  3. I think this is your most fantastic blog yet. It's honest and I that like you put yourself out there. I'm proud of you Bethy. You're a beautiful woman and have incredible motivation that I severely lack. I know you may not feel like it all the time, but it's true.

    Love you!


    PS - Hope I never you gave you a complex with your nickname! ;)
