Sunday, April 10, 2011


I haven't really felt like writing lately. I don't know why. But today I feel like writing. I feel like writing a lot actually. Unfortunately the things that I feel like writing, I cannot. I have learned in my life that bad things roll down hill, and if I say certain things, I am not the one who is at the bottom of that hill, someone else is. I do not want to make that persons life more difficult than it already is. I will post a video to tell you how I feel though...

As Dr. Seuss would say "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." For what is going on right now, I thought this was appropriate, ha ha. Anyway, if you really want to know what's going on, just message me on Facebook, or text me and I will tell you, I have no problem putting "bitches" on blast. But I will not post it on here, for the whole world to see.  

Anyway, everything I want to say is all pent up. This is all I really wanted to talk about. Although, I do have to say that I put on my fat jeans today and they don't fit. In a good way, they are about an inch too big! That made me happy for today. Also, I wasn't feeling well yesterday (just allergies and lack of sleep), and I went to baby sit Stephen's former boss's daughter. When I cam home my husband had brought home flowers for me. So sweet. 

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