Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life as I know it

Hello there! I'm a virgin to this whole blog scene, so forgive me if I suck at it. Let's hope I can keep up with it, I seem to get distracted pretty easily.

I recently married my college sweetheart and moved to the Sun City, that being El Paso, TX. I am currently looking for employment. I am going a bit stir crazy, I have become best friends with the gym on base. I go there for about 2 hours a day and just soak myself into fitness. I'm looking into other things than just the regular everyday workout that I do. I need to change it up, I have only been going to this gym for a month and I'm pretty bored of my regular routine. I was a swimmer in high school, and would like to pick that up again, need money for a good swimsuit though. I also want to take boxing and kickboxing classes. There is a kickboxing class at the gym I go to, but it is only once a week, I would like to go 2 or 3 times per week.

I have no friends here, well I mean other than the gym of course! I figure I can keep the family and friends updated with this blog thing here.

I would really love to go back to school in the fall. If I get a job, I am definitely going to go back, but that job would have to be shift work. I don't really know what yet. I have thought of many things. I want to go back for another bachelor's degree by the way. I want something more specialized. I think the problem I have had with finding a job, other than the fact that I don't speak spanish is that my degree sucks. Everyone asks me for what, I'm not really sure. I have thought maybe business, but not management, I would be a dime a dozen with a management degree. Also not accounting, because I suck at accounting. So really human resources or finance are my two other options. Also I have though Kinesiology, but then I would have to go to 4 more years of school to get a Ph.D. and be a physical therapist. Then maybe engineering, not sure what kind, most likely civil. But the only problem there is I'm great at math when I put my mind to it, but I SUCK at physics. So I'm at a loss.

I currently have a second interview at Best Buy on Friday. Also, I have been invited to take a test for a position with the city on the 14th. It's a research assistant position, which I think would be really cool. That is the only class I actually enjoyed in my major were the statistics and research classes. We will see how everything pans out.

Well that is about all I have to say, plus the gym is waiting for me and calling my name. Hope everyone enjoys my blog!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I'm so glad you started one! Reading your blog will give me something else to do each day! lol Because I'm stir crazy, too!
